Digital Temperature Sensor
Product Description
This 1-Wire digital temperature sensor from Maxim IC (DS18B20) can be interfaced to with just one wire. With a ground connection, the device communicates and draws its power through a digital data line. Each sensor has a unique 64-bit serial number, meaning that many sensors can be connected to the same data bus.
Waterproof Probe:
* The waterproof probe is made of stainless steel and has a cable length of 1m.
* Stainless steel housing dimensions: 6 x 50mm
* Cable maximum operational temperature is +85°C
* Cable configuration: Red (Vcc), Yellow (Data), Black (GND)
Specification | Min | Max | Units |
Temperature Range | -55 | +125 | °C |
Accuracy (–10°C to +85°C) | -0.5 | +0.5 | °C |
Voltage Supply | 3.0 | 5.5 | V |
Resolution | 9 | 12 | bits |
Conversion Time | - | 750 | ms |
An Arduino tutorial along with sample code is available at